Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On the bright side, I did win the sprint into Bonkville

Went down and did the Dogwood on Sunday.  High winds and a high pace.  Felt great for about 46 miles.  Unfortunately Dogwood is about 57 miles with Jim's recon up the second lap climb.  

Apparently Annie has a new job with Amgen.  Skip has been getting into the samples.  

Like an obvious  foreshadowing scene in a bad movie, as Jim took off on the recon climb, I turned to Skip and ominously said, "you know, I don't think I had enough to eat this morning"  That played an important part in the final act of our little drama.

There is a new bar in town.  Everyone does indeed know my name here.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here is one I forgot

Eki.  One of the all time hard asses. 

Herd of deer at Sac last night.  Objects closer than they appear.  

Any reports of a brown wolf at Sac are attributable to this guy and the K lady.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is horseshit!

I guess completely ruining Busieck is not enough for our equine riding friends.  Now they are after Sac.  I saw a group of 5 or 6 Sunday and a little fresh "evidence" this morning.

What am I missing here?  The sign at Sac clearly says no horses.
Sec. 82-1.  Park rules generally.
(a)   Adoption; prohibited acts.  Those rules and regulations adopted by the public park board of the city on March 16, 1971, relating to conduct within the parks of the city under the control and operation of the Springfield/Greene County park board are hereby adopted and approved by the city council, which rules and regulations read as follows: 
(1)   Conduct in parks.  It shall be unlawful for any person while on property or in buildings under the operation and control of the park board to: 
t.   Allow cattle or horses to be driven through, run loose, be staked out, or in any other way to be in a park except in such an area as designated for showing or riding such animals.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few more

I took hundreds.

I watched 10,000 BC the other night.  Who knew that mammoths were used to build the pyramids.  Can a movie actually make you dumber?