Friday, September 26, 2008

Thanks but no thanks

I the interest of avoiding having a blog full of stories that all end "and I dropped off the back" I thought I might on occasion share some "legal" stories that both my readers may find interesting.  

In my business you come across all types.  I am surprised that I still get surprised at what some people expect.  

 This little gem occurred this week  

I recently had a prospective client show up at my office unannounced demanding to see me.  I was in court out in the country and this person scheduled an appointment for the next day.  According to my assistant this person then waited in the parking lot for about an hour for me.  

Next day this person shows up and demands some pro bono work from me.

pro bono publico |ˌprō ˈbônō ˈpoōbliˌkō; ˈbōnō ˈpəbliˌkō|
adverb & adjective
for the public good : [as adv. ] the burden they carried pro bono publico.
• (usu. pro bono) denoting work undertaken for the public good without charge, esp. legal work for a client with a low income : [as adv. ] the attorneys are representing him pro bono | [as adj. ] pro bono legal services.

What was the emergency you ask?  How could I serve the public good you ask?  

Was this a situation were I was saving widows and orphans from  Snidely Whiplash?  Was I to defend some poor soul against the man?  No.

This person wanted me to negotiate with and/or file a lawsuit against his/her mechanic to get his/her Mercedes out of the shop.  The shop was threatening to sell it for failing to pay a repair bill from a collision. This person had spent the insurance money on something else.

Now your saying,  “Kman this person needs that Mercedes to go to work.  I’m sure that car is this person’s only dependable form of transportation. What type of bike did they ride to come see you?’

This person was driving their other car.  
Surely it was a Yugo or Reliant K you say.
You would be wrong,  it was a Humvee.

As Jim would say "thanks for coming"  


1 comment:

ScottyD said...

You should have taken a pic of you flipping the small penis mobile the bird